Beyond the emotional and financial aspects, divorce can impact every part of your life, from your relationships with friends and family to your daily routine and sense of worth and stability.
How Crosby & Crosby Can Help
At Crosby & Crosby, we understand how emotionally difficult divorce can be, especially when property, other assets, and children are involved. This is why hiring qualified Rockford divorce lawyers like those in our law firm who can help you navigate this challenging time is important.
Here are some of the ways our expert attorneys can assist you during your divorce proceedings:
1) Provide answers to your questions: Whatever the particular circumstances may be, every divorce is fraught with complications and questions. Based on our experience, we can answer your questions and provide a realistic assessment of the possible outcomes of various issues, such as the division of property and child custody.
2) Provide advice related to your children: When there are children, they stand at the center of divorce proceedings, and our divorce attorneys can assist you in determining what is truly best for their welfare.
3) Provide advice on property and asset distribution: We can assist you in working out an equitable distribution of property and assets including your home, other real estate you may own, investments, insurance, bank accounts, and more.
4) Provide support during all negotiations. Both in and out of court, we can assist you in all negotiations, making sure your best interests are protected and served.
5) Assistance in court: Many divorce settlements are reached out of court, but if you must go to court to resolve matters, we will be at your side, guiding you through every step of the proceedings.
6) Resolution of Post-divorce issues: It is not uncommon for issues related to matters such as child custody arrangements, child support, spousal support, and the division of assets and property, among others, to come up after the completion of a divorce, requiring a post-divorce modification. In any of these situations or others, we will stand by your side, always working to resolve matters and protect your best interests.
Divorce-related Issues
In Illinois, a petition for the dissolution of a marriage or a divorce petition requires no stated reason other than “irreconcilable differences.” The use of that term means the parties involved do not have to state a reason for the divorce – such as adultery or abuse – other than having differences that cannot be overcome, and the marriage has failed.
Beyond a statement of irreconcilable differences, however, every divorce is different, and the following are some of the more common legal issues encountered in ending a marriage.
Marital Property
This would include any property obtained by either party during the marriage, such as bank accounts, real estate, vehicles, investments, and businesses, among others. Some exceptions would include gifts and inheritance.
Marital Debts
These would include things such as joint credit cards, mortgages, car loans, and business debts, to name a few.
Parental Rights
This issue involves things such as primary custody, parenting time schedules, supervised visitation, and even grandparents’ rights.
Parental Responsibilities
Closely linked to Parental Rights, this area involves matters such as academic and medical decision-making and co-parenting.
Spousal Support
Formerly known as alimony, Spousal Support or Spousal Maintenance may be temporary or long-term, and the duration and amount of support will vary from case to case.
Child Custody, Support, and Expenses
Child-related questions present some of the thorniest divorce issues. We know that as parents you want the best for your children, and we will work closely with you to make sure they have the financial and emotional support they need without imposing undue hardship on either parent.
Health Insurance
Millions of Americans get their health insurance through their employer or their spouse’s employer. An essential thing to remember is that you do not have the right to remove your spouse from their health coverage during the divorce proceedings.
Contact Crosby & Crosby for Expert Legal Assistance
These are a few of the issues often involved in divorce proceedings, and when you’re looking for experienced Rockford divorce lawyers who are dedicated to their clients, contact the law firm of Crosby & Crosby. Based on our years of experience, we understand the many short- and long-term legal issues involved in divorce cases, and we’re comfortable managing the proceedings that follow.
When you work with Crosby & Crosby, you will find that our attorneys are compassionate and will take the time to understand your situation thoroughly. We will work tirelessly for you and always make decisions that are in everyone’s best interests, including yours and your family’s.
We are here and ready to assist you when you need us. Call us at 815-367-6432 to schedule your initial free consultation, and together we will plan a path forward through this challenging time in your life.