How Are Medical Bills Paid After A Car Accident?

If you were injured in a car accident in Illinois due to somebody else’s negligence, you might be wondering, “Who pays my medical bills?” There is a common misconception that the driver, who caused the accident and your injuries, is liable to pay your medical bills. The injured party will typically tell their medical provider(s) […]


Knowing what to do after being injured in a motor vehicle accident can be difficult, but you don’t have to do it alone. Rightfully so, many drivers experience a range of mixed emotions after they’ve been in an accident. No matter the seriousness of the injuries, each driver deserves the same attention to ensure they’re […]

Initial Questions for Your Divorce Lawyers

When seeking legal representation, there are a number of questions you should ask during your initial meeting with the attorney. The top five questions to keep in mind are: How does your firm bill me, and what is your hourly rate? Do you have different rates for driving time and paralegal work? Are payment plans […]

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