Expert Divorce Lawyers in Belvidere at Crosby & Crosby Law

Divorce is the legal process for ending a marriage, and the attorneys at Crosby & Crosby Law, in their practice of family law, have many years of experience working with couples and assisting them in getting through the dissolution of their marriages.

Types of Divorce

Generally, there are four types of divorce, and these are a divorce that:

  • Includes marital property and children.
  • Includes children but no marital property.
  • Does not include children but does include marital property.
  • Includes neither children nor marital property.

In Illinois, Irreconcilable Differences

In Illinois, a petition for the dissolution of a marriage or a petition for divorce requires no stated reason other than “irreconcilable differences.” The use of that term means the parties involved do not have to state a reason for the divorce – such as adultery or abuse – other than having differences that cannot be overcome, and the marriage has failed.

As practicing divorce attorneys in Belvidere, IL and surrounding communities, we know that it is never easy to decide on divorce, but not having to prove anything other than “irreconcilable differences” makes the process less difficult.

Issues Commonly Involved in a Divorce

It is essential to remember that whatever the type of divorce, of the four types we have listed above, the following are issues that are likely to be involved.

Marital Property

This would include any property obtained by either party during the marriage, such as bank accounts, real estate, vehicles, investments, and businesses, among others.

Marital Debts

These would include things such as joint credit cards, mortgages, student loan debt, car loans, and business debts.

Parental Rights

This issue involves things such as primary custody, parenting time schedules, supervised visitation, and even grandparents’ rights.

Parental Responsibilities

Closely linked to Parental Rights, this area involves matters such as academic and medical decision making and co-parenting.

Spousal Support

Formerly known as alimony, Spousal Support may be temporary or long term, and the duration and amount of support varies from case to case.

Child Support

Like Spousal Support, Child Support varies by case and is based on considerations such as the number of children, parental income, and health insurance for the child or children, among other factors.

Child Expenses

These are based on the needs and activities of the child and include such things as school enrollment, extracurricular activities, and uncovered health expenses.

Health Insurance

Millions of Americans get their health insurance through their employer or their spouse’s employer. An essential thing to remember is that you do not have the right to remove your spouse from their health coverage during the divorce proceedings.

These are among the many issues that come up during the course of divorce proceedings, and you can go here to find a more complete discussion of these matters.

Experienced, Caring Divorce Attorneys at Your Side

Whatever course of action you decide upon, an amicable divorce settlement or courtroom representation, the divorce attorneys at Crosby & Crosby Law will stand with you and provide experienced guidance during this trying time in your life.

With the firm of Crosby & Crosby by your side, you are never alone. If you need a divorce attorney in Belvidere, IL, we urge you to contact our law firm to schedule an initial consultation.

At Crosby & Crosby, You’re Never Alone

We want you to know that first and foremost, we’re here to help you succeed and protect what you value most.

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Questions? We Can Help!

Helpful questions about family law

How to choose the right divorce lawyer?

Choosing the right divorce lawyer, in our mind, comes down to three factors. First, is this lawyer going to be an aggressive advocate for me? Second, is this lawyer a person I can get along with personally? Third, do I trust this lawyer to communicate with me effectively? If you walk away from an initial consultation with a lawyer answering yes to those three questions, you have likely found the lawyer who is right for you.

Legal work can be extremely time consuming. Your expectations should not necessarily be that your lawyer is someone you can vent to about your personal life, as that would likely result in an unreasonably high bill. But you should expect your lawyer to keep you informed as to the status of your case. You should also expect your lawyer to listen to your wishes and concerns and use those thoughts as a basis for your case. You don’t need to talk to your lawyer everyday, but you should hear from them every other week or so.

Expect the unexpected when it comes to the Court dates. The Court system is based on a first-come-first-serve calendar, when the case is not filed as an emergency. All initial Court dates are determined by the Clerk of the Court, not of the lawyer or client. If you have a lawyer, expect the Judges to want your lawyer to do the talking, unless the Judge asks the client a question directly. You should also expect the Judge to keep the Courtroom as orderly as possible. Judges very much look down on people who speak out of turn. As for dress, the Court does not require a strict dress code, but it is always a good idea to dress professionally to show the Judge that you take the system and their Courtroom seriously.

There is a process in the law referred to as “discovery” that allows a party to a legal proceeding to discover information about the opposing party. In the context of a divorce, “discovery” is primarily used in the form of written questions and written requests for the opposing party to provide documents to the party that is doing the requesting. These are called “interrogatories” and “requests to produce.” During the process, the party answering the questions or requests must provide a written testimony, under oath, that the documents and answers are true and accurate. It is through this process of “discovery” that we are able to learn what assets a party possesses.

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